Now we already know how bomb natural hair is but...maintaining it? Definitely not as bomb.
I've stated that I went into the natural hair community blindly a couple of times on here. I didn't think of the money I'd be spending on products, the time it'd take me to tend to my hair or how much physical labor it takes! I don't know about you but when it's wash day for me, I can watch a whole 1 hour and 30 mins movie and sometimes, I can even watch two episodes of Forensic Files.
As you can see, my hair isn't that long so I'm not understanding why it takes me hours
I barely took care of my permed hair after washing it. I just woke up, took off my bonnet, combed and that was it - until it was time for a wash again. Thinking about it now, I'm kind of surprised that my permed hair managed to look somewhat healthy, despite the lack of care it received. It's safe to say that going from not doing much to my hair, to caring for it the way I do now, was a huge transition.
This was my hair fresh after getting some highlights which barely showed; I've been obsessed with color lol
I never thought there would be a time where I'd say that I'm in love with my hair. To me, it's still weird to say but I am. I love how my curls look, I love how thick and full my hair is and most importantly, I LOVE the way I look with my natural hair.
I don't want to discourage anyone from going natural but make sure you have the time AND money to tend to your mane. I've seen many girls relax their hair because of its maintenance and it's fine if you choose to do that! I'm all for anyone doing whatever pleases them.
I look at my hair as my child, lol. It needs love, attention and "food." How are you taking care of your mane?
**My hair is in a protective style right now, (check out my IG to see what style I have in), but I've still been maintaining it! Check out this blog post for more info!
Were you prepared to go natural?
Until next week, xo